Love Series Blog

Hi I’m Gabriela Lopez, owner & founder of glö acting studio!

Loving yourself is key to growing in your acting craft. 

Through my experience, I wanted to share different ways I’ve learned to cultivate self love and explore my relationship to fear and how that informs being an actor, how it affects our work, and how we as actors show up in our craft. 

I want to start by asking you a few questions:

  • What is your current relationship with yourself like?

  • On a scale of 1-10, how well do you feel you love yourself currently?

  • How do you cultivate self love? What are some daily activities you do to cultivate self love?

  • What are your consistent habits that are a part of your every day routine? This will help you build trust with yourself.

One way I’ve personally cultivated self love is to constantly and frequently check in with how I’m feeling and how I’m doing throughout the day. Sometimes we overlook checking in on ourselves — we get busy or distracted and move from one thing to the next without checking back in.

What if you were to sit with yourself, remind yourself what you need and what you’re feeling, and nurture that? 

It can be meditation, journaling, prayer, cuddling up with a blanket and watching tv, walking to grab your favorite latte, playing with your dogs, or meeting up with a friend.

Observing our feelings with the lack of judgement toward them is one of the biggest practices we can do to be in alignment with our craft as actors.


Meet Gabriela Lopez